<% dim VisitorCount sub hitCount(PageID) 'Get Page Hit Count 'Table Name = Counter 'Table Fields = Sequence (Autonumber key), ID, Count dim tbl dim flag dim conn dim rs dim strSQL dim strCookie tbl = "Counter" flag = "old" strCookie = replace(PageID,".","_") 'Note - Session variables could be used instead of cookies VisitorCount = Request.Cookies(strCookie)("value") If VisitorCount = "" then Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open mulveyDSN ' Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' rs.open tbl,conn,adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic strSQL="Select CurCount from Counter where ID='" & PageID & "';" Set rs=conn.Execute(strSQL) if not rs.BOF then VisitorCount = rs("CurCount") flag = "old" else 'This page has never been visited before VisitorCount = 0 flag = "new" end if rs.Close VisitorCount = VisitorCount + 1 Response.Cookies(strCookie)("value")=VisitorCount Response.Cookies(strCookie)("HttpOnly")=true Response.Cookies(strCookie)("Secure")=true if flag = "old" then 'Update the counter record strSQL = "update " & tbl & " set CurCount=" & VisitorCount & " where ID='" & PageID & "';" conn.execute(strSQL) else 'Create a record for a page which is visited for the first time rs.open tbl,conn,adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic rs.AddNew rs("ID") = PageID rs("CurCount") = 1 rs.Update end if set rs = nothing set conn = nothing end if end sub %>