Mulvey Family Photo Gallery

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Firearms Training

The University Police requalify semi-annually with firearms.
At that time use of force and control techniques are also covered.
Gray uniforms denote certified range officers.



Range Officer Lt. Taylor supervising Officer May at the 7 yard line
Spring 2000 requalification
108174 bytes
DSCN0096 Thumbnail
Officer May looking on as Assistant Chief Jerrett scores his target
Spring 2000 requalification
77064 bytes
DSCN0111 Thumbnail
Officer Riotto practicing handcuffing techniques on Investigator Mulvey
Spring 2000 requalification
89045 bytes
DSCN0115 Thumbnail
Investigator Rossi in the foreground at the 7 yard line
Spring 2000 requalification
110048 bytes
DSCN0149 Thumbnail
Lt. Coates, Officer Fitzpatrick, Lt. Velzy, and Investigator Rossi barricade shooting at the 15 yard line.
Lt Taylor is the range officer.
Spring 2000 requalification
102798 bytes
DSCN0154 Thumbnail
Lt. Coates in the foreground at the 25 yard line
Spring 2000 requalification
103261 bytes
DSCN0156 Thumbnail
Officer Jackson
kneeling at the 25 yard line
Spring 2000 requalification
94020 bytes
DSCN0158 Thumbnail
firearms familiarization
Basic Police Academy 2000
100304 bytes
DSCN0509 Thumbnail
firearms familiarization
Basic Police Academy 2000
108506 bytes
DSCN0510 Thumbnail
firearms familiarization
Instructor Tim Brady
demonstrating the Bushmaster XM15
Basic Police Academy 2000
111651 bytes
DSCN0525 Thumbnail
firearms familiarization
Basic Police Academy 2000
135932 bytes
DSCN0536 Thumbnail
on the firing ling
Basic Police Academy 2000
98109 bytes
DSCN0548 Thumbnail
on the firing ling
Basic Police Academy 2000
97071 bytes
DSCN0551 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor demonstrating weapon retension techniques
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 10:47
92962 bytes
DSCN0574 Thumbnail
classroom instruction on the police shotgun
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 12:29
60102 bytes
DSCN0584 Thumbnail
Assistant Chief Jerrett
instructing on the police shotgun
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 12:34
45853 bytes
DSCN0588 Thumbnail
firing the police shotgun
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 13:20
90323 bytes
DSCN0592 Thumbnail
on the firing line with the shotgun
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 13:53
90625 bytes
DSCN0608 Thumbnail
on the firing line with the shotgun
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 13:59
71703 bytes
DSCN0620 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor observing shotgun exercise
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 14:12
105664 bytes
DSCN0625 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor observing shotgun exercise
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 14:15
99599 bytes
DSCN0629 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor observing shotgun exercise
Basic Police Academy 2000
06/27/2000 14:16
94090 bytes
DSCN0634 Thumbnail
Officer Angotti firing the M16
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 13:46
136545 bytes
DSCN1131 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor firing the Thompson SMG
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 13:49
108328 bytes
DSCN1133 Thumbnail
Lt. Taylor firing the short stock shotgun
(no it isn't automatic)
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 14:29
145891 bytes
DSCN1150 Thumbnail
Inv. Mulvey firing the H&K MP5
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 14:50
113893 bytes
DSCN1165 Thumbnail
Officer Angotti firing the Sig
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 15:05
136593 bytes
DSCN1176 Thumbnail
Officer Angotti firing the Sig
Automatic Weapon Training
09/28/2000 15:05
90713 bytes
DSCN1177 Thumbnail

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The respective Photographers retain the copyright to all images linked to these pages.

This gallery was created on May 14, 1999 and this page has been accessed 10839 times.

If you have any problems or suggestions about this site please let me know.
Allen Mulvey