Mulvey Family Photo Gallery

Click the thumbnail for a larger image.
The photographs will appear in another window.

From the Archives

These are scans of old photographs.



Allen 1972
Allen as a Patrolman early in 1972 when we had the weird brown Ralph Kramden "bus driver" uniforms.
21500 bytes
Al1972 Thumbnail
Allen 1989
Allen as an Investigator apparently cut from a department photo taken in 1989.
7592 bytes
Al1989 Thumbnail
Allen in his Tuxedo
Spring 1970
54493 bytes
Allen-1970 Thumbnail
Allen and Sarah
Around 1976
100322 bytes
Allen-and-Sarah-c1976 Thumbnail
Allen riding his 1946 Indian Chief
around 1967
59242 bytes
Allen-on-Indian-Chief-c1967 Thumbnail
Spring 1970
26879 bytes
Allen-Spring-1970 Thumbnail
Allen 1966
with Crown Graphic Press Camera
This is the first camera with which he ever took a picture.
107382 bytes
Allen1966 Thumbnail
Allen's 1946 Indian Chief
around 1968
56736 bytes
Allens-Indian-Chief-c1968 Thumbnail
Barb and Allen
December 1971
on the way to the department Christmas party
66911 bytes
Barb-and-Allen-12-1971 Thumbnail
Barb and Allen
Around 1970
89210 bytes
Barb-and-Allen-c1970 Thumbnail
taken by Allen Fall 1970
49281 bytes
Barb-Fall-1970-1 Thumbnail
taken by Allen Fall 1970
64445 bytes
Barb-Fall-1970-2 Thumbnail
Eastern States Interscholastic Invitational Track Meet
2 Mile Run, 1965 or 1966, NYC
Allen is in the lead. He finished second with a time of 9:26.8.
His shoes were wrapped with tape before each event
because the bottoms had worn through.
244533 bytes
EasternStatesInvitational Thumbnail

Navigation Map

Navigation Map


The respective Photographers retain the copyright to all images linked to these pages.

This gallery was created on May 14, 1999 and this page has been accessed 12665 times.

If you have any problems or suggestions about this site please let me know.
Allen Mulvey